BlurWeb helps people doing live screen sharing and want to make sure sensitive information is secure. More

Because we cannot hide certain details on our live screens, sharing our live screens can be a frustrating experience.

Fortunately, BlurWeb arrived.

BlurWeb is a tool for people who do live screen sharing and want to make sure sensitive information is secure. 

Here’s how Blurweb App works

Single Click Blur – Blur any web element with a single click, be it a heading, paragraph, image or a video.

Blur Area – Draw a rectangle anywhere on the page, and we will make it blur while making it stay where you want.

Keep blur – Click Keep blur before you Blur any web elements with a single click or blur area, and it will stay with reload or if you open that URL again.

Control Blur Intensity, Hide Tab Title & Icon – Control blur intensity, click to clear all blur, blur selected text and much more.

With BlurWeb, you can blur any element on a page, whether it’s an input, a link, an email address, an image, or any other element.

As a result, you will now be able to share your screen with the confidence that no one will be able to access your confidential information.

Get the BlurWeb Lifetime Deal today!

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