Nifty is a remote collaboration hub designed to help you manage projects, goals, files, and teams, all in one place. More

Your work is all over the place right now, from chat apps and client emails to task management and file sharing (but you know where everything is… kinda).

You’d like to pack everything up into one tidy package that fits seamlessly into your workflow and budget.

Meet Nifty

It is a remote collaboration hub that helps you consolidate projects, goals, and communications to streamline your entire workflow.

Communicate, collaborate, and manage your projects

Designed to keep everyone on the same page (literally), This tool lets you view all your work in one simple, interactive dashboard, from project files to deadlines.

Projects thrive when they’re built around Nifty’s Milestones, which break down into small, action-driven tasks that bring you closer to your project goals.

With Nifty’s clean interface, you can track task assignments, activities, and time logs across projects.

Filter tasks by due dates, task assignees, and Milestones to see exactly where you and your team stand with your project progress. No more trying to guess who’s doing what.

You can also automate your progress tracking based on task completion to provide real-time project reporting and status updates.

Get lifetime access to Nifty today!
