OneLinkBio is a problem solver for your single page linking dilemmas. This is also great for your clients that need to share a single link and have all there other links inside it. More

Have you ever wanted to manage multiple links through your Instagram and TikTok account, only to find out you can only put ONE unique link in your bio? If so, then this is the solution for you and your users.

OneLinkBio is a problem solver for your single page linking dilemmas

Create a great website where you register and add as many links as you want and only paste your custom profile’s URL in your Instagram or TikTok bio and never change it again.

This is also great for your clients that need to share a single link and have all there other links inside it. This way they can easily share there OneLinkBio on other platforms by sending one single link.

Create & manage multiple OneLinkBio Pages for your team from a single dashboard

Shorten dragging links

Add your own touch to your OneLinkBio page

Get to know your audience w/ detailed statistics

Integrate your statistics w/ Google Analytics

Search for alternatives
